C++ Programming : Iteration

This tutorial will show you how to use iteration in C++. We only cover iteration which most used in programming. We assume that you have already done the previous tutorial.

For Loop

The general format is :

for (initial condition; stopping condition; increment)


// write your code here


In your main function :

// main function
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int key;
// loop from i=0 until i<10 with increment i=i+1
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
cout << “data number “ << i << “\n”;
cin >> key;
return 0;

The result is :


While Loop

The general format is :

// initialize stopping condition here;

while (stopping condition is false)


// write your code here

// if (condition met)

//          stopping condition is true;


In your main function :

// main function
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int key;
// loop from i=0 until i<10
int i = 0; // initialize variable for stopping condition
while (i < 10) // i < 10 is the stopping condition
cout << “data number “ << i << “\n”;
i++; // increment i
cin >> key;
return 0;

The result is :
